Reikia pagalbos dabar?

Reikalauti skubios ar neatidėliotinos pagalbos?

Mūsų paslauga gali padėti jums, jei neseniai patyrėte seksualinę prievartą. Tačiau jei jums reikia skubios medicininės pagalbos arba norite pranešti apie užpuolimą, tai galite padaryti vadovaudamiesi šiame puslapyje pateiktomis gairėmis.

Jei jums reikia skubios medicininės pagalbos ar dėmesio, skambinkite telefonu 999 ir paprašykite greitosios pagalbos, arba eikite tiesiai į artimiausią nelaimingų atsitikimų ir pagalbos skyrių.

Šis tinklalapio skyrius skirtas tiems, kurie neseniai buvo seksualiai užpuolami.

Yra skyrių pranešti policijai, dalyvaujant seksualinio puolimo centruose ir įvairiuose medicininės pagalbos gavimo būduose.

Jei manote, kad esate pasiruošęs gauti paramą iš kitų, apsilankykite Mūsų Spaslaugos puslapyje, kad sužinotumėte, kuri paslauga Jums tinka.

Medical Care

Examples of needing urgent medical care would be severe pain, bruising or bleeding.

If you are unsure of the service you require but it is NOT an emergency please dial 111 now.

If you have been recently assaulted you may need medical care or attention.

This page has been designed to provide information on relevant services in the East Kent area.

If you are not in the East Kent area, there are links provided to help you find the services closest to you.

Services in the vicinity include:

Ataskaitų teikimas

This section was created in order to give you some more information about what to expect, if you do decide to report to the police. Please be aware that the decision of whether you should do so or not is completely up to you.

Sexual Violence Advisory Service
If you are undecided, you can speak to a member of our Sexual Violence Advisory team, who will be able to answer more specific questions for you.

You can call them on 01227 826 900 or email them at

We will not report to the police on your behalf unless there is a safeguarding issue. What this means is: if the person involved is under 18 and unsure of whether or not they want to report to the police, provided you do not give us any personal details about the person that would identify them, we cannot report on their behalf.

Support and Crisis phone lines
Alternatively, you can always call our Support and Crisis lines on:
0800 458 2818 or 01227 450400.
We are here to listen. You may want to choose this option if you haven’t told anyone yet, or if you have already decided that you are not going to report to the police, but still would like to speak to someone.

If you’re not ready to talk about it
If you don’t want to speak to anyone right now but you do want further information, there is a book available online called ‘Report to Court’ by 
The Rights Of Women, which you may find useful.

Further info you may find useful (please click on the links):
Jei nesate tikri, ką daryti, mūsų Krizių ir paramos linijos yra prieinami jums. Apmokytas patarėjas padarys viską, ką gali, kad padėtų jums, nepaisant jūsų situacijos.
Su „East Kent Rape Crisis Center“ galima susisiekti keliais būdais.
Sužinokite, kaip


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